Elle Winston x Tiny Desk Contest 2025

Long time, no see kids! I'm excited to be back in touch and share an acoustic performance of a song called “Young Royals, " which we recorded for this year’s NPR Tiny Desk Contest. This song is from my forthcoming EP, which we've been working on for over a year and gearing up to release this summer. 
Thank you so much for your patience and I promise more good news to come! 

Creative Credits:
Music & Performance - Elle Winston
Videography & Editing - Bruce Morrison @shotbyb.e
Photography - Melissa Robles @missyrobles
Set Design - Elle Winston, Missy Robles and Justin Sisson @justin_sisson
Audio & Mixing - Elle Winston & Missy Robles 
Location: Studio Contro @studiocontro

A Home Video


On 3/13/20, just as the pandemic had shutdown the world, I released a song dear to my heart, Stand Up Straight. Fast forward to the summer of 2020, coming off of weeks of protesting in New York and watching the whole country rise up in defense of black lives, my wife and I went to Kansas and recorded this humble home video.

As I consider what this past year has been, I've experienced profound sadness, but also found the resolve, in many moments, to keep going. Music and art are so necessary. For everyone who has come through this past year alive and everyone we lost, I hope we keep using art as a healing practice and keep remembering to stand up.

Video shot and edited by Melissa Robles.

Filmed in Lawrence, Kansas; June 2020.

NEW SINGLE: Stand Up Straight

BRAND NEW MUSIC! Excited to offer up something new to all of you as we navigate this uncharted territory. This song, Stand Up Straight, is as pure from-the-gut as anything I've ever written.

Many thanks due to Granville Mullings Jr., Todd Martino, Alex Smith and Julian Litwack for bringing this record to life. To Karlie Hustle for gifting us studio time. To Noah Guttell for mixing and mastering. Above all, thanks to my family, Missy and my friends for telling me a long time ago that the small things we do matter. 

To those who have been waiting on this, it's been too long. Thank you for being patient - there is more to come soon. Until then, while we continue to care for one another in the ways we know how, spend some time with this music. 
